there’s trouble a-brewing

my wife and i have noticed that i have changed since i have gotten back home; i’m a lot more distracted and my instant memory has gone by the way side.  i have a thought in my mind, and when i get up to do it, the thought seems to leave and i am left frustrated at what i was going to do.  i also have to ask my wife two or three times what she asked me to do.  it is very frustrating for me, and i am sure it is not easy for her.  i have also gotten a lot more irritable and quick to get angry/upset.  prayers would be nice.

from the heart the mouth speaks

it has been a long while, i am sorry about that.  there is so much going on in my head, and i am not sure on what to do with this thoughts.  many of these thoughts revolve the relationship with my wife, and some of them scare me. when she asks me questions when i am relaxing, i often catch myself muttering about how much i hate her; or how i want to leave her.  this hurts me so much to think like this, but it floods my head.  i just don’t know what to do.  with me coming back also came back an angry disposition.  prayers are needed.