magic pills

i finally talked to my wife about having sex, it turns out that a couple of weeks ago she was into it and wanted to partake… unfortunately i was sick.  i also asked her why she doesn’t want to have sex, and she said her main reason why is because she doesn’t want to get pregnant again.  “knowing us, even if we are on birth control, use a condom, and pull out, i will some how still get pregnant.”  that pretty much sums it up, our first son we got pregnant right away; we tried for a second son for a year and were at the point of giving up, lo and behold she was with baby.  she is also depressed, and doesn’t really want to go back on zoloft.

speaking of zoloft, the va has started me on it.  i think, at least i hope, it is starting to work.  i feel like i am having more patience with my children and that my thoughts aren’t racing as much. one “funny” side effect it has on me is excess sweating, and i am hot all the time; fortunately all that is pretty manageable,

still cooking

so, no baby yet.  he was supposed to join our family on thursday, and my wife was not making any progress.  but, it is not in our hands.  it would not be so bad, but the doctor’s office told us the wrong insurance they take, and now we will be basically paying everything out-of-pocket.  ya!

not what i expected

i just found out that my good friend are expecting their second.  while i am extremely happy for them, it saddens me that we have not had success.  we have been trying since i had gotten back, and nothing to show forth.  we have had some “close calls.”  i just wonder if God has only destined us to have one, which would be very heartbreaking; never saw us with just one child.  prayers needed, wanted, and appreciated.